38w1d update

Well, just got home from my weekly drs appointment. Good news is I lost 2 lbs… which is some miracle because we celebrated thanksgiving twice and I over indulged in some ice cream goodness last night. I was sure I would be up 5 lbs this week!

Also, I am now 3cm and 60-70% effaced!! It took 2 weeks to go from 1-2cm but only took 2 days to go from 2-3cm!!!! WOOHOO!!! So, 1 cm to work for an epidural and 7 to work for the finale. Sounds a whole lot better than working for 10 cm 😁.

Dr asked my thoughts about induction this Thursday if I’m not in active labor during my NST on Wednesday. I asked him his medical reasoning since I was sort of expecting to schedule something for next week; not 3 days out. He said that I have too much fluid around the baby and I’m now at 3cm dilated. However, he is comfortable with waiting if I decide to wait. But, if I’m super uncomfortable and would like to have this baby soon he has enough medical reason to do so. Well, I told him as much as I selfishly would like to induce, I think I would feel better waiting. I said I’m just worried about the baby being TOO big. He said he doesn’t think that should be a concern- he said I’m progressing exactly how I should be at 38 weeks. And if I want to wait, then he is more than happy to wait. I told him I would think about it but I may change my mind, depending. I’m hoping Mother Nature will make up my mind for me and just get the party started between now and then.

Oh man, I can’t believe all of this is happening!!! ❤️

2 Replies to “38w1d update”

    1. Thank you!! I’m having some contractions tonight but so far they are 15 min apart. Although.. the other day they got to be 7 min apart and then fizzled out. Granted they weren’t too strong, but… blah! I think my uterus has had enough practice runs; it’s been going on for two months now!! Haha

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